Blog inactivity

Yes, it’s true. I have succumbed to the level of blogging about not blogging. It’s the lowest form of the blog.

Things have been very busy lately. I have some content that’s going to be published in the near future, but I will wait until it’s published to mention what it is.

In the meantime, I have been working with the PHP-GTK project and helping to improve their Web site. Others are working on this initiative for both the Web site and the documentation, but I’ll post more about that later.

For now, I’ll just acknowledge my inactive blog by saying thanks to Chris Shiflett, who pointed out the other day that he was responsible for getting me listed on Planet PHP, and I haven’t posted a damn thing since. This is for you, Chris — and I’m still finding it hard to switch to one space after a period at the end of a sentence. High school English teachers should go back to grammar school!