PHP Groups Mailing List Moves To

After a long hiatus and a very quiet mailing list and forum, I am delighted to announce that the main communication channel for PHP Groups is moving to the official PHP project at!

You may recall PHP Groups being created over a year ago for the purpose of networking together the leaders and organizers of PHP user groups around the world. I’ve been very bad about keeping things moving on this front, but I want to pick things back up and get us talking again. I also want to get us back on track for the mission of this group:

PHP Groups networks PHP user groups into a tighter community, provides a means to share information and resources among its community members, and aids in the formation of new PHP user groups.

In the near future, we’ll have more discussion about what we can do to progress toward fulfilling this mission.

In the meantime, if you help with the organization of your local PHP user group in any way, feel free to join the ug-admins mailing list or subscribe to the ug.admin news group at

Also, look to this list for announcements about meet-ups of user group leaders and organizers at upcoming conferences!

And, as always, I’m lurking in #phpgroups on Freenode IRC, so feel free to join me, if you like.